Mormon Messages

Monday, March 30, 2009

Nap time

Sometimes I don't know why I bother with nap time. Juliette does anything but sleep. There are no toys in her room, but she still finds plenty to do. She tries on clothes and this time found candy and stickers in her sister's drawer.(she takes all of her bedding off and stacks it so she can reach up into this drawer) Since she had candy stuck in her hair I had to take her straight to the tub.


Courtney said...

She looks sufficiently remorseful in the second picture. Whenever Hank gets into trouble, he just comes out looking really proud of himself with a great big grin on his face.

Rochelle said...

Ian is looking quite a bit like Alex...very cute! I feel better knowing that other moms struggle with naptime. I've taken away Alyssa's nap because she would NOT go to bed at night, plus she kept waking up soooo cranky after the short nap she would take. Being a mom is hard work.

Lacie said...

Sometimes we just don't get a break being moms. Collin does the same thing with taking all of the sheets off the bed but then he jumps on the bed to.
Silly kids they will do anything to get out of a nap.

andreamatrix said...

How cute! That nap time battle is a big one! That is "sacred" time for Moms...